The 63rd Convention began adopting resolutions today—some with some rather significant meaning.
The one that has a lot of folks talking is 5-01A (reported last night as adopted, but we jumped the gun). This is the “Specific Pastor Ministry” program, brought to the convention to meet the urgent needs of the church by establishing a new track that will prepare men as quickly as possible.”
Once ordained, the specific ministry pastor would be allowed to preach and administer the sacraments, with supervision, within his specific ministry situation. He would also complete the entire program within four to five years in order to retain his certification.
This new program also will take advantage if modern technology and long-distance education models, according to Dr. Andrew Bartlet, vice president for academics at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. “The goal is a good one—more pastors,” Bartlet said. “Good pastors who are about seeking and saving the lost.”
The Convention passed 4-02, designed to begin stewardship renewal through enhanced communication.
The Convention also passed 1-05 A. This resolution was changed from “Making Outreach to the Lost a Top Priority.” This was a substitute motion that was adopted in place of making outreach “the top priority.”
The Convention adopted 6-06 that will ask the Synod to provide materials and training on issues of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, for districts, clergy, congregations, and schools in order to help those who have suffered from such abuses.
The Convention also adopted 6-03A, which asks LCMS World Relief and Human Care to try and make sure that no adopted or foster child is knowingly adopted or placed in an intrinsically sinful situation where families are not living in accordance with God’s revealed and natural law.
This Convention also addressed and affirmed the practice of close communion (3-09).
These are the highlights. Other resolutions were adopted as well. You can find that list of them by clicking here: read those resolutions, click here: CONSIDERATION
One resolution that has come to the floor twice for consideration, and will do so again on the closing day of the Convention, is Resolution 8-07 A. This resolution asks for another Convention between Conventions to address the matters of governance and structure.
From this Circuit Counselor’s point of view, this should be a resolution to be acted upon as quickly as possible. There are some issues that we as a Synod need to address, and this special convention would give us the opportunity. To put this off could cost the Synod literally millions of dollars overall.
There seem to be a few that are determined not to have this come to a vote. Let me ask you something—if you were paying a million dollars in order to have this convention, would you want things acted on? Well—you are! We are in this together. It’s time to act on this resolution. Continuing to bog down this convention is not right to the circuits and people that have sent them there in good faith.
District President Larry Harvala was booed off the stage—for failing to share some humor with the delegates. During the vote tabulation, President Harvala told a joke. When he was finished, President Kieschnick asked if he had another. Harvala thought he would just walk off the stage. He did—to many boos. Guess our delegates are getting a little on the cranky side!
The Convention will come to an end tomorrow at noon when Oresident Kieschnick drops the gavel to close the convention. Hopefully, there will be a little business done in the meantime.
Thanks to Paul Spree (St. Paul, Edna) and Rev. Rob LeBlanc for representing our Circuit. We look forward to receiving your Convention reports to all congregations, and we the circuit pastors look forward to discussing those reports, along with the actions the Convention took, in September’s meeting.