Kieschnick Re-Elected on First Ballot
(LEFT: President & Terri Kieschnick embrace after he is re-elected for a thirdterm; right, President Kieschnick addresses the delgates immediatley after his election.)
President Kieschnick was re-elected as President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Sunday. President Kieschnick received 644 votes, just over 52% of the vote. John Wolhrabe was second in the balloting, with 3 others only receiving 27 votes or less.
Also elected Sunday were the Vice Presidents of the Synod. First Vice President Bill Dinkelman was re-elected by a 50.5% vote. Dr. Paul Maier was elected as second Vice-President. Third Vice-President is now Rev. John Wolhrabe, with Rev. Dean Nadasky as fourth Vice President, and Rev. David Buegler was elected as fifth Vice-President.
God bless each as they serve our Lord Jesus Christ in the next triennium.
Also elected Sunday were the Vice Presidents of the Synod. First Vice President Bill Dinkelman was re-elected by a 50.5% vote. Dr. Paul Maier was elected as second Vice-President. Third Vice-President is now Rev. John Wolhrabe, with Rev. Dean Nadasky as fourth Vice President, and Rev. David Buegler was elected as fifth Vice-President.
God bless each as they serve our Lord Jesus Christ in the next triennium.
The Convention had a rather slow day of business today, passing only three resolutions. Getting the resolutions right--where delegates can agree on them--is not always an easy job. Several amendments can be voted up or down before it finally is ready fora vote. Sometimes, a floorcommittee thinks it has done its' homework, only to discover that there is a double semi-colon.
That's right--a double semi-colon was brought up, amended to only one, seconded, and passed.
I think we need to give that pastor a job as a proof reader for CPH.
Tomorrow, the delegates will take care of some important business as they vote on a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors of the LCMS. Many more amendments will be brought out, and some that were brought out today will have been magically revised and come back to the floor for the delgates' consideration tomorrow.
If you go to http://www.lcms.org/ and look under "convention," you can find a list of resolutions, the slated business oif the day, and even a live webcast of the convention. Come back here tomorrow night as I will bring highlights and pictures from the convention.
--Rev. Mark Anderson, Circuit #31 Counselor
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